Creators Tribe Community Guidelines
Below you will find the Creators Tribe two main prinsiples, plus our community guidelines. Please read through them. If you are a member, these guidelines apply from the moment you become a member in the community.
It's a social platfrom to connect with likeminded people to learn from.
The first prinsible and purpose for the Creators Tribe community is to offer members to connect with likeminded people. This community's intention is to be a space for those looking for a more conscious and awake tribe of individuals, outside of the convensional society and typical noise social media platforms. (Like Facebook)
It's a space to elevate your life and become a powerful creator of your reality.
We are serious about this. The Creators Tribe will offer resources on a level that will uplift, inspire, and help you discover empowering lost knowldge and new metaphyiscal research. We DO cover storylines that some call "consperacy theories". But its not a platfrom to ONLY focus on too uncertain truths.
Community Guidelines.
These community guidelines is to serve as a simple rule-book for members, and those who consider to become a member. The rules are in general obvious, but we like to bring them to light anyway.
Are the rules in effect?
They are. If you step over the line, too far, you will be expelled with no questions asked. You're basically kicked off the ship.
Whether you can swim or not is not our concern.
Are the rules in effect?
They are. If you step over the line, too far, you will be expelled with no questions asked. You're basically kicked off the ship.
Whether you can swim or not is not our concern.
You can be truthfully real. But be kind to your fellow members. We would love to see you being generous with your support 🥰
If it's necessary and it's part of your language. You may swear 👍🏻 But not like Gary Vaynerchuck. Simply because it's not necessary. Let's have SOME filter.
🔗 Affiliate links are okay if it's relevant for the topic and within the community content types. Affiliate links spamming to try and push stuff will be deleted.
Sharing links to content on the Internet is all good. But we do not like sharing links directly to Facebook 💥 Look for the source of the Facebook link you want to share, and use that instead.
The Creators Tribe offers various events, Live Zoom interviews, and group coaching sessions 🚀 It's your responsibility to attend Live sessions if you so desire. We don't offer refunds for missed live events. But any Live events will be shared in the community for you to enjoy for the lifetime of your membership.
The community membership can be canceled at any time 🕯 You do not commit to any long-term agreement. But subscriptions already charged to your card for the active months can not be refunded.
Consceious aware and typically more "awake" people have an open mind for a reason 🤔 Yes, we do for sure cover "rabit whole" topics and what some call "conspiracy theories". But we are not interested on filling up our content timeline with too much dark and out of balance content. We're focuing on the positivity of the NEW reality. And not the darkness of the past. Too much of that, and your account will be limited.
These community guidelines are subject to change and updates at anytime. Please check in at regular intervals. New community guidelines will be announced in the Updates section.